Dev Log #4 Post-Production

In the post-production phase of our project, my role primarily focused on the maintenance and stability of existing code, as well as implementing updates in line with the planning team's requirements. This phase is typically seen as a critical period for ensuring the project's ongoing success and addressing any lingering issues that could impact its performance or user experience. My responsibilities involved a significant amount of interaction with the project's engine, where tasks such as component placement fell under my purview.

I believe that I fulfilled my duties with diligence and efficiency, successfully completing the tasks assigned to me. Despite this, it is acknowledged within our team that a post-mortem analysis is still forthcoming. This reflective process is a standard practice in our field, aimed at evaluating what went well and identifying areas for improvement. It provides a structured opportunity for learning from the project's lifecycle, thereby enhancing our team's capabilities for future projects.


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Hey Rui, I'm glad you took on the work of feature development very well and finished it well. Your arrangement of each function was very concise and clear, which saved us a lot of time in post production. I hope you will continue to do so in your future projects and wish you success

The final stage of sprint development is really exhausting. I'm glad we all persevered. This development also taught us that we should pay more attention to the scope setting in the future design process. If the scope is too large, we'll have to cut some very interesting gameplay to catch up with the deadlines, as we did this time.